Deploying Zero

To deploy a Zero app, you need to:

  1. Deploy your backend database. Most standard Postgres hosts work with Zero.
  2. Deploy zero-cache. We provide a Docker image that can work with most Docker hosts.
  3. Deploy your frontend. You can use any hosting service like Vercel or Netlify.

This page described how to deploy zero-cache.


zero-cache is a horizontally scalable, stateful web service that maintains a SQLite replica of your Postgres database. It uses this replica to sync ZQL queries to clients over WebSockets.

You don't have to know the details of how zero-cache works to run it, but it helps to know the basic structure.

Network Architecture

A running zero-cache is composed of a single replication-manager node and multiple view-syncer nodes. It also depends on Postgres, S3, and attached SSD storage.

Upstream: Your application's Postgres database.

Change DB: A Postgres DB used by Zero to store a recent subset of the Postgres replication log.

CVR DB: A Postgres DB used by Zero to store Client View Records (CVRs). CVRs track the state of each synced client.


S3: Stores a canonical copy of the SQLite replica.

File System: Used by both node types to store local copies of the SQLite replica. Can be ephemeral – Zero will re-initialize from S3 on startup. Recommended to use attached SSD storage for best performance.

Replication Manager: Serves as the single consumer of the Postgres replication log. Stores a recent subset of the Postgres changelog in the Change DB for catching up ViewSyncers when they initialize. Also maintains the canonical replica, which ViewSyncers initialize from.

View Syncers: Handle WebSocket connections from clients and run ZQL queries. Updates CVR DB with the latest state of each client as queries run. Uses CVR DB on client connection to compute the initial diff to catch clients up.


You should deploy zero-cache close to your database because the mutation implementation is chatty.

In the future, mutations will move out of zero-cache. When that happens you can deploy zero-cache geographically distributed and it will double as a read-replica.


When run with multiple View Syncer nodes, zero-cache supports rolling, downtime-free updates. A new Replication Manager takes over the replication stream from the old Replication Manager, and connections from the old View Syncers are gradually drained and absorbed by active View Syncers.


The zero-cache image is configured via environment variables. See zero-cache Config for available options.

Guide: Multi-Node on SST+AWS

SST is our recommended way to deploy Zero.

Setup Upstream

Create an upstream Postgres database server somewhere. See Connecting to Postgres for details. Ensure the upstream, change, and cvr databases are created.

Setup AWS

See AWS setup guide. The end result should be that you have a dev profile and SSO session defined in your ~/.aws/config file.

Initialize SST

npx sst init --yes

Choose "aws" for where to deploy.

Then overwite /sst.config.ts with the following code:

/* eslint-disable */
/// <reference path="./.sst/platform/config.d.ts" />
import { execSync } from "child_process";

export default $config({
  app(input) {
    return {
      name: "hello-zero",
      removal: input?.stage === "production" ? "retain" : "remove",
      home: "aws",
      region: process.env.AWS_REGION || "us-east-1",
  async run() {
    const zeroVersion = execSync(
        "npm list @rocicorp/zero | grep @rocicorp/zero | cut -f 3 -d @")

    // S3 Bucket
    const replicationBucket = new`replication-bucket`);

    // VPC Configuration
    const vpc = new`vpc`, {
      az: 2,

    // ECS Cluster
    const cluster = new`cluster`, {

    const conn = new sst.Secret("PostgresConnectionString");
    const zeroAuthSecret = new sst.Secret("ZeroAuthSecret");

    // Common environment variables
    const commonEnv = {
      ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB: conn.value,
      ZERO_CVR_DB: conn.value,
      ZERO_CHANGE_DB: conn.value,
      ZERO_AUTH_SECRET: zeroAuthSecret.value,
      ZERO_REPLICA_FILE: "sync-replica.db",
      ZERO_LITESTREAM_BACKUP_URL: $interpolate`s3://${}/backup`,
      ZERO_IMAGE_URL: `rocicorp/zero:${zeroVersion}`,
      ZERO_CVR_MAX_CONNS: "10",

    // Replication Manager Service
    const replicationManager = cluster.addService(`replication-manager`, {
      cpu: "2 vCPU",
      memory: "8 GB",
      image: commonEnv.ZERO_IMAGE_URL,
      link: [replicationBucket],
      health: {
        command: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:4849/ || exit 1"],
        interval: "5 seconds",
        retries: 3,
        startPeriod: "300 seconds",
      environment: {
      loadBalancer: {
        public: false,
        ports: [
            listen: "80/http",
            forward: "4849/http",
      transform: {
        loadBalancer: {
          idleTimeout: 3600,
        target: {
          healthCheck: {
            enabled: true,
            path: "/keepalive",
            protocol: "HTTP",
            interval: 5,
            healthyThreshold: 2,
            timeout: 3,

    // View Syncer Service
    const viewSyncer = cluster.addService(`view-syncer`, {
      cpu: "2 vCPU",
      memory: "8 GB",
      image: commonEnv.ZERO_IMAGE_URL,
      link: [replicationBucket],
      health: {
        command: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:4848/ || exit 1"],
        interval: "5 seconds",
        retries: 3,
        startPeriod: "300 seconds",
      environment: {
        ZERO_CHANGE_STREAMER_URI: replicationManager.url,
      logging: {
        retention: "1 month",
      loadBalancer: {
        public: true,
        rules: [{ listen: "80/http", forward: "4848/http" }],
      transform: {
        target: {
          healthCheck: {
            enabled: true,
            path: "/keepalive",
            protocol: "HTTP",
            interval: 5,
            healthyThreshold: 2,
            timeout: 3,
          stickiness: {
            enabled: true,
            type: "lb_cookie",
            cookieDuration: 120,
          loadBalancingAlgorithmType: "least_outstanding_requests",

    new command.local.Command(
        create: `npx zero-deploy-permissions`,
        // Run the Command on every deploy ...
        triggers: [],
      // after the view-syncer is deployed.
      { dependsOn: viewSyncer }

Set SST Secrets

Configure SST with your Postgres connection string and Zero Auth Secret.

Note that if you use JWT-based auth, you'll need to change the environment variables in the sst.config.ts file above, then set a different secret here.

npx sst secret set PostgresConnectionString "YOUR-PG-CONN-STRING"
npx sst secret set ZeroAuthSecret "YOUR-ZERO-AUTH-SECRET"


npx sst deploy

This takes about 5-10 minutes.

If successful, you should see a URL for the view-syncer service. This is the URL to pass to the server parameter of the Zero constructor on the client.

Guide: Single-Node on

Let's deploy the Quickstart app to We'll use for both the database and zero-cache.

Setup Quickstart

Go through the Quickstart guide to get the app running locally.


Create an account on and install the Fly CLI.

Create Postgres app


PG_PASSWORD="$(head -c 256 /dev/urandom | od -An -t x1 | tr -d ' \n' | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z' | head -c 16)"

fly postgres create \
  --name $PG_APP_NAME \
  --region lax \
  --initial-cluster-size 1 \
  --vm-size shared-cpu-2x \
  --volume-size 40 \

Seed Upstream database

Populate the database with initial data and set its wal_level to logical to support replication to zero-cache. Then restart the database to apply the changes.

(cat ./docker/seed.sql; echo "\q") | fly pg connect -a $PG_APP_NAME
echo "ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = logical; \q" | fly pg connect -a $PG_APP_NAME
fly postgres restart --app $PG_APP_NAME

Create zero-cache app

fly app create $CACHE_APP_NAME

Publish zero-cache

Create a fly.toml file. We'll copy the zero-schema.json into the toml file to pass it to the server as an environment variable.

ZERO_VERSION=$(npm list @rocicorp/zero | grep @rocicorp/zero | cut -f 3 -d @)

cat <<EOF > fly.toml
primary_region = 'lax'

image = "${ZERO_VERSION}"

internal_port = 4848
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = 'off'
min_machines_running = 1

grace_period = "10s"
interval = "30s"
method = "GET"
timeout = "5s"
path = "/"

memory = '2gb'
cpu_kind = 'shared'
cpus = 2

source = "sqlite_db"
destination = "/data"

ZERO_REPLICA_FILE = "/data/sync-replica.db"
LOG_LEVEL = "debug"

Then publish zero-cache:

fly deploy

Use Remote zero-cache

cat <<EOF > .env

Now restart the frontend to pick up the env change, and refresh the app. You can stop your local database and zero-cache as we're not using them anymore. Open the web inspector to verify the app is talking to the remote zero-cache!

You can deploy the frontend to any standard hosting service like Vercel or Netlify, or even to!

Deploy Frontend to Vercel

If you've followed the above guide and deployed zero-cache to fly, you can simply run:

vercel deploy --prod \
  -e ZERO_AUTH_SECRET="secretkey" \

to deploy your frontend to Vercel.

Explaining the arguments above --

  • ZERO_AUTH_SECRET - The secret to create and verify JWTs. This is the same secret that was used when deploying zero-cache to fly.
  • VITE_PUBLIC_SERVER - The URL the frontend will call to talk to the zero-cache server. This is the URL of the fly app.

Guide: Multi-Node on Raw AWS

S3 Bucket

Create an S3 bucket. zero-cache uses S3 to backup its SQLite replica so that it survives task restarts.

Fargate Services

Run zero-cache as two Fargate services (using the same rocicorp/zero docker image):


  • zero-cache config:
    • ZERO_LITESTREAM_BACKUP_URL=s3://{bucketName}/{generation}
  • Task count: 1


  • zero-cache config:
    • ZERO_LITESTREAM_BACKUP_URL=s3://{bucketName}/{generation}
    • ZERO_CHANGE_STREAMER_URI=http://{replication-manager}
  • Task count: N
  • Loadbalancing to port 4848 with
    • algorithm: least_outstanding_requests
    • health check path: /keepalive
    • health check interval: 5 seconds
    • stickiness: lb_cookie
    • stickiness duration: 3 minutes


  • Standard rolling restarts are fine for both services
  • The view-syncer task count is static; update the service to change the count.
    • Support for dynamic resizing (i.e. Auto Scaling) is planned
    • Set ZERO_CVR_MAX_CONNS and ZERO_UPSTREAM_MAX_CONNS appropriately so that the total connections from both running and updating view-syncers (e.g. DesiredCount * MaximumPercent) do not exceed your database’s max_connections.
  • The {generation} component of the s3://{bucketName}/{generation} URL is an arbitrary path component that can be modified to reset the replica (e.g. a date, a number, etc.). Setting this to a new path is the multi-node equivalent of deleting the replica file to resync.
    • Note: zero-cache does not manage cleanup of old generations.
  • The replication-manager serves requests on port 4849. Routing from the view-syncer to the http://{replication-manager} can be achieved using the following mechanisms (in order of preference):
  • Fargate ephemeral storage is used for the replica.
    • The default size is 20GB. This can be increased up to 200GB
    • Allocate at least twice the size of the database to support the internal VACUUM operation.


Where should we deploy Zero next?? Let us know on Discord!